Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Donald Trump Died Years Ago; The Man You See Today is a Robotoid Clone Made by Alien Lizards

YouTuber's videos expose famous people and politicians as Illuminati Clones made by Reptoid aliens (lizard creatures who can "shape-shift" to disguise their hideous true appearance).  [Ref: Wiki: Reptilians also see Wiki: Secret Society -- The Illuminati]

In the video embedded below, conspiracy theorist "Yahuah Servant" claims to have PROOF Donald Trump was killed in the 1980s and replaced with a robotoid clone in his image.

“He’s dead, his family and daughter and wife are fake mannequins — kids fake, dead. See the skin? It’s a mannequin.”

  • The red ties Trump often wears are the mark of Satan, and the president frequently makes Masonic gestures. Thus, he is a demon.
  • Melania’s eyes are “robotoid” eyes. They cannot belong to a real person, thus, she is a mannequin.
  • Trump’s “yuge” pupils are also robotoid, which expose him as a clone. “Not normal.”

Action film actors Bruce Willis, Ice Cube and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson are also accused of being dead long ago and replaced by a clone controlled by aliens in their plan on taking over Earth.

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