Friday, February 24, 2017

Seafood Restaurant Brawl in Bronx, NY

Guessing the meal wasn't up to snuff?? Look at the young animals brawl at Seafood City, a restaurant in Bronx, NY.

They should all be grabbed by NY's finest and made to PAY FOR DAMAGES TO THE RESTAURANT -- the restaurant owner will take the repair hit while the slobs are allowed to run, because the criminals are minorities.  The powers that cater to them because of their skin color won't let justice prevail.  Rich white hypocrites will nod their heads in disapproval for the news cameras, but continue to enjoy fucking the slobs for their big young cocks -- exploiting the youngsters for sex to satisfy their sick sexual desires.

This is a snapshot of our scummy world today, dearest readers. Go ahead: fuck them and breed more morons for the next generation. That's right, Millennials, breed future jailbirds!


RELATED:  Community Board Member Calls For City Island Restaurant To Lose Liquor License Following Chair-Throwing Brawl.

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