Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Monument Valley: The Place Where All Those John Wayne Westerns Were Filmed

The weird, alien planet-like landscape of Monument Valley has captured our 'weird' fancy.

Vasquez Rocks

Before 1939's "Stagecoach" which made John Wayne a superstar, most all western movies were filmed in California on studio ranch land in and around Los Angeles and the Mojave Desert and other places near the studios -- such as the famous Vasquez Rocks area (pictured at left).  It was the great director John Ford who started location filming in Monument Valley -- in the Mittens and Merrick Butte to be exact -- for his classic western, "Stagecoach."  And a bunch of others that followed.  Watch this HD Drone video of Monument Valley.

Filming began there as early as 1925.  The area only became famous, however, thanks to John Ford's widescreen filming of the remote, picturesque landscape for 1939's "Stagecoach."  How Ford came to Monument Valley, to make "Stagecoach," is a legend worthy of a John Wayne movie. It begins in 1938, when Harry Goulding told his wife, Leone (nicknamed Mike), to pack a bedroll.

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