Tuesday, March 20, 2018

TV's Steve Wilkos Drunk Driving, Wrapped Car Around Power Pole

According to TMZ.com's report, TV's Mr. Perfect was drunk three times over the legal limit and wrapped his car around a couple of power poles. He then LIED TO REPORTERS saying he was distracted, but later confessed HE WAS DRUNK.  For shame, for shame, Steve Wilkos!

(Below) Steve's ride lays all bashed up on the ground after the dreadful accident, causing people to run out of the way to avoid being killed by the mad dog drunk driver.  What could be wrong with Steve to engage in such disgraceful activities?  Save his career, say he's gone into rehab and in a few months nobody will remember this horrific event in Steve's life.  We're rootin' fer ya, Steve!

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