Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Crazies Vow to Cut their Penises Off in Public if Trump Builds Wall!

Oh darn, THIS IS #FAKENEWS says

Extremist liberal nutcase students vowing self-mutilation should Pres. Trump build the wall to block out illegal criminals. Two students, Seth Greenberg and Jakob Connulson, at The University of California stated that they would publicly remove their penis’ if Trump enforced the existing USA-Mexico border wall according to a news report.  Since their declaration, MORE students have joined them in their sick vow of PUBLIC CASTRATION.

Please do not cut off perfectly good college guy dick.  It's a waste!

“I heard about what was happening in California, and new that this kind of movement could gain traction up here – we are a progressive state. I kind of feel guilty, I’m removing my penis, but one of the other guys is going to castrate himself, and he’s even considering taking off a couple of fingers” stated Griliphaen.

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