Thursday, February 16, 2017

Internet NUT of the Day Post -- Such a Sad Disgrace

Homophobe Theodore wearing a San Francisco T-Shirt.  Uh-Huh.

Our star nut pick of the day is the legendary Theodore Shoebat, a sexy-looking Christian stinker who loves his garden and a great chef in the kitchen (see his Facebook cooking videos). Ummm, sounds GAY, right?  But Theodore is actually NOT GAY (he claims vehemently) and what comes out of his mouth, despite his good looks is QUITE UGLY (and disappointing).  Theodore claims to hate gays so bad he wants them exterminated.

"Oh poo!" Says Lovey Howell!  With a name like "Theodore" no wonder he hates gays, ha-ha!  Probably latent and been teased all his miserable life.  His outlet seems to be ranting death threats against gays all the time.  Some sort of switch malfunction going on there, if you know what I mean.

Anyway, in our kook video picks below, excellent chef and gardener Theodore has a tantrum and goes off on kooky Ann Coulter -- calling her a fascist and saying she should be "put to death for associating with fags."

"She's witch, she's a Jezebel. She's Evil. In a true Christian society, people like Ann Coulter would be arrested and put to death."

NEXT, we have Theodore flipping out over Pres. Trump holding the gay flag and posts yet another legendary anti-gay tantrum video. God, girl, get a grip! Get on some meds and embrace your homosexual side! Quit bitching all the time and have some good rampant toe-curling gay secks and...

"Let the sodomite gay demon enter your anus through demonic gay cum to become one of us, Theodore... become ONE OF US FILTHY SODOMITES!"

DIAGNOSIS:  You know, it's such a shame to be a cute guy yet so ugly hateful inside.  With his pleasant gardening and cooking skills, sexy looks and obvious intelligence he'd make a perfect gay husband.  No, seriously.  He's appealing -- except for all that hatred of gays junk.  Cut that out and he'd likely be quite a delightful companion.  I think the poor guy was brainwashed as a child by cray-cray anti-gay religious fanatic kooks or molested or raped or some other such horrific life event that has triggered his vehement hatred of gays.  It's really quite disturbing.  I believe he's in dire need of psychological help.  He's screaming out for help by posting these hate speech tantrum videos.

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